Monday, April 27, 2009


Objective: A game of touch tag where you can't tag someone squatting in a toilet position!
Game Type: Active. A lot of movement may be required.
Players: 6 or more players
Needed: None
Rules: Choose a tag area such as a front yard and determine boundaries etc. and a jail area. Then choose a 'tagger'. The tagger attempts to tag players while they run or stand within the defined area. If a player is tagged they go to the jail. During the game players can squat down like a toilet forming a safety area. While in this position a player cannot be tagged. Players can only stay in the toilet position for a limited amount of time, usually 5 or 10 seconds. This should be determined prior to playing.

Winning: The game ends when the tagger has captured all players.
Variations: In another version, there is no jail and any player who is tagged instantly becomes the next tagger. There are no tag backs in this version.

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