Monday, April 27, 2009


Objective: An outdoor game where the players pretend they are animals, trying to hide from man along a trail.
Game Type: Active. A lot of movement may be required.
Players: 2 or more players
Needed: A nature trail or forest area
Rules: The group walks a given distance down a nature trail. Each player is given time to hide along the trail. They may travel no more than 15 feet from either side of the trail, and may use anything in the natural environment to provide camouflage. The leader waits about five minutes until all players are hidden. He walks the distance of the trail once only, and tries to find as many players as possible. After his walk, he calls out, and watches to see where all the successful animals hid

This game can be repeated many times with different players taking the role of the searcher. It is fun to talk about the hiding places that were the most successful.

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