Monday, March 30, 2009


41. HOP-DOP. ( Quiet.)
All the players (any number of them) are divided into 2 teams and then sit at the table facing each other. One group is given a little coin. The leader of this team must give the coin to one of his partners. He must do it imperceptibly. At the command "Hop" of the opposite team the coin must be shown over the table. At the command "Dop" - it is again hid under the table, where the players continue to pass it from hand to hand. At the command "Hands on the table!" the players put their hands on the table with the palms down. The leader of the opposite team must guess who has the coin between his/her fingers. If he/she guesses, the coin is passed to the opposite team and the game begins anew.

42. WHO IS IT? ( Quiet.)
Everyone takes a sheet of paper and at the top of it draws the head either of a men, an animal or a bird. Then the sheet must be folded so as the drawn head can't be seen, except a little part of the neck. Then this drawing is passed to the player next to. Now every player has a new sheet with the picture he/she hasn't seen yet. He/she continues drawing. Now everyone draws the body then folds the paper and again passes it to the player next to. At last must be drawn the low extremeties. And now unfold the picture and let you be surprised at seeing a creature you've got!

43. CHAIN. ( Quiet.)
In a fixed time the player must make a chain of the paper clips. The player whose chain is the longest wins the game.

44. BURGLAR. ( Quiet.)
The players are given a bunch of different keys and a padlock. The object is to fit the key and to unlock the padlock as fast as possible.

45. HEN. ( Quiet.)
The object of the game is to write a word as legible as possible with the felt-tip-pen tied to the foot.

46. SPOILED TELEPHONE-2. ( Quiet.)
This game is well-known to many people. The players must transmit a complicated phrase to the last player in the row. Usually when the phrase comes to the last player it is distorted. There is a similar game. But instead of the phrase, the players transmit a drawing. The first player draws an arbitrary object on the sheet of paper. The second looks at it for 10 seconds, then draws the similar object on his sheet of paper, shows it to the third etc. Then the players compare the first drawing with the last.

47. PANTOMIME. ( Quiet.)
Get ready as many different articles as there are the players. Take any articles you like - a piece of soap, a pen, a sponge, a candy, a balloon etc. Do not show all these articles to the players. Write the name of each article on the sheet of paper. Fold up all the sheets of paper so that the players cannot see what is written on them. Each player draws out a sheet of paper. With the help of pantomime the players must show what is written on their sheets of paper. All the rest players try to guess what kind of article is represented to them. The player who guesses what kind of article it is gets this article as a prize.

With the thick mittens on the hands try to guess what object do you hold.

49. DRAW A COW. ( Quiet.)
The players must draw a cow being blindfolded. At first they draw the eyes, then drop the hand and make a pause, then draw the snout, drop the hand, make a pause and draw the horns etc.

50. ARTISTS - VIRTUOSOS. ( Quiet.)
Tie a felt-tip-pen to a ski stick. The task is to draw something or to write a text. (Do not put the stick on the shoulder!) The player who fulfils the task the fastest and the most accurate gets the prize.

51. DASHING DRIVERS. ( Active.)
Put the glasses or little buckets full of water on the toy cars. Tie the strings of 3-5 meters to the cars. At the command the players must wind the string on the stick so as to draw the cars to themselves. If the water in the glass (bucket) on one of the cars is splashing the leader loudly names the number of "the driver". This "driver" stops winding for a second. The player who is the first to draw the car to himself (not having splashed the water) is the winner. He gets the prize.

52. PUSS IN BUTS. ( Active.)
The players are divided into two teams. Each team is given a pair of very big boots and a wide-brimmed hat. At the signal the players get on the boots, put on the hat, run to the little flag, take off the hat, make a bow, put on the hat again, return to their teams and give the hats and the boots to the next players in the teams.

53. DOLLS. ( Active.)
There are 2 dresses and 2 headscarves on the chair. The player who is the first in putting on the dress and tieing a scarf on his head is the winner.

54. DON'T DIE OF THIRST. ( Active.)
You'll need a cardboard ring with the diameter of 3-5 cm. Attach the ring to the 1m. long stick. Place some bottles in the room. The object of the player is to put the ring on the neck of one bottle, holding the stick by the end. It'd be better to use in this game the beverages you drink in your company. These bottles would be the prizes.

55. HOSTESSES. ( Active.)
Two dolls lie in their cradles. Two players must wake up the dolls, do their morning exercises with them, wash their faces, clean their teeth, comb, make their beds, dress them, feed them, have a walk with them, play with them, wash their hands, feed them, undress them and sing a lullaby. The player who copes with the tasks the first is the winner.

The balloon is tied to the left leg of each of 2 players. The object of the game is to burst a rival's balloon with the right leg.

57. RAFFLING THE PRIZE. ( Active.)
The prize is raffled among 2 players. They stand facing each other, the prize is on the seat of the chair, standing in front of them. The leader begins to count: one, two, three… hundred; one, two, three… thousand etc. The object of the game is to grab the prize when the leader says "three" (not three thousand or three hundred).

58. SKITTLE. ( Active.)
The player stands at the chair, on which there is a skittle. Then he/she makes 8-10 steps forward and stops. Here the player is blindfolded and turned around for several times. Then he/she must make 8-10 steps backward to the chair and take a skittle. The player who manages to do it gets the prize.

59. POTATO IN THE SPOON. ( Active.)
Each player must run a certain distance, holding a spoon with a big potato in it in the hand. The players run in turn. The jury notes down the time. If the potato falls down, the player must put it in the spoon again and continue his/her run. To run without a potato in the spoon means to break the rules. The player who covered the distance in the shortest time is the winner. The competition of 2 teams in this game may be more interesting.

Each player must cover the certain distance jumping with the small box or tennis ball between his/her knees. The time is noted down. If the ball or the small box falls down, the player places it between his/her knees again and continues to jump. The player who covers the distance in the shortest time is the winner.

61. CATCH THE FISH. ( Active.)
Put in a large cardboard box empty cans, old boots and cardboard fish. On each can, boot or fish there is a special little wire hoops. The fishing-rod is a long stick with the wire hook at the end. The hook is attached to the rod with the help of the thick string. The players catch the fish not seeing it (because it lies on the bottom of the box. The smaller is the hook on the fish, the bigger is the number of points written on it. The players catch the fish in turn. Each of them has only one minute to cope with it. The first player who has the necessary number of points is the winner. The players who catch a can or a boot loose half of their points.

62. CINDERELLA. ( Active.)
Mix some peas, beans, lens, dried ashberries (not more than 3-4 kinds at a time). "Cinderella's" object is to sort this mix being blindfolded. The player who manages to sort this mix in the shortest period of time becomes the winner. Sometimes the players make mistakes - they put the corns to the wrong heaps. In these cases the players must be fined. The leader puts the wrong corns to the mix again.

63. WIND UP THE CORD. ( Active.)
Make a knot in the middle of the long cord. Attach a pencil to each end of the cord. Two players wind up the cord on their pencils. The fastest player becomes the winner. Instead of cord you may take thick string.

64. CUP AND BALL. ( Active.)
It's an old French game with a cup and a ball. The object of the player is to catch the ball with the cup. Take a 40cm long lace and attach one end of it to the ping-pong ball with scotch. Another end of the lace is attached to the bottom of the plastic cup or tied to the handle of the cup. Several players participate in this game. They must toss the ball up and then catch it with the cup. The player gets a point each time he/she catches the ball. The ball is caught in turn. If one of the players doesn't manage to catch the ball, he/she passes it to the player next to. The player who has the greatest number of points is the winner.

65. THE FASTEST. ( Active.)
The players are divided into 2 teams. Each team is given a sack with a shirt, a cap, a pair of boots and trousers. At the command the first player of each team runs to the sack, puts on all enumerated pieces of clothes, says "I'm the fastest", takes off the clothes, puts them back into the sack and runs to his team. The next player of each team does the same. The team which finishes the game the first is the winner.

66. CROOKED PATH. ( Active.)
Draw a crooked line on the floor with the chalk. It's "a path". The object of the players is to walk along this "path" looking at it through the binocular turned upside down. The player who walks this "path" the fastest is the winner.

67. CAP ON A CAP. ( Active.)
Make a large paper cap and several smaller ones. The smaller caps must be of different colors. The small caps hang each on the string. In turn the players put on the large cap and then being blindfolded and turned around for several times they must squat and stand up so that to hit a smaller cap with the large one.

68. DECORATE A FIRTREE. ( Active.)
Take several new year tree decorations with the wire hoops. Take a fishing-rod with hook. With the help of the fishing-rod the player put all the decorations on the firtree and then takes them off. The player who copes with it in a prescribed time (e.g. 2 minutes) wins the game. For a firtree you may also use a dry branch with plenty of twigs.

69. THERMOMETER. ( Active.)
Without using the hands the teams pass a fake thermometer to one another. The thermometer must always be under the left arm. The fastest team wins the game.

70. JOURNEY. ( Active.)
Draw several crossing "paths" with the color chalks on the floor. Each player chooses his/her own path and walks along it as fast as possible. The player who finishes "the journey" the first is the winner.

71. BUTTERFLY. ( Active.)
Each of the 2 participants takes a big butter-fly-net and a balloon. The object of each player is to catch the rival's balloon with the net as soon as possible, trying not "to loose" his/her own balloon.

72. HUNTERS. ( Active.)
The players' object is to fire a gun or to shoot a bow. But they should fire at those animals only, the voices of which they hear on the tape. Among these animals may be a fox, a cock, a duck, a cow, a frog etc.

73. PUT ON A CAP. ( Active.)
The object of the player is to put on a paper cap attached to long stick onto the rival's head. Usually 2 players take part in this game. They try to put on the caps on each other's heads as fast as possible.

74. MARATHON. ( Active.)
With the help of a usual syringe the player must lead the ping-pong ball to the end of the distance as fast as possible.

75. TWO OXEN. ( Active.)
Put "the harness" (a long string) on 2 players. Each of them tries to drag the rival off his/her direction. At the same time each player tries to reach the prize, which lies at a 50cm distance from each player.

76. RALLY. ( Active.)
Sitting on the skateboard the player must reach the place where there is a prize. You may change this game: Standing on the skateboard and using the skiing sticks to reach the finish as fast as possible.

77. DIVER. ( Active.)
With the flippers on their feet the players must pass a certain route, looking through the binocular turned upside down.

78. WITCH. ( Active.)
The player steps with one of his feet into the empty pail. Another foot is on the ground. Holding the handle of the pail in hands and a swab in another, the player must cover the fixed distance and then pass a pail and a swab to the following player.

79. GOLDEN KEY. ( Active.)
The players act as swindlers from the tale "Pinoccio". In each pair of the players there should be Alice fox and Bazilio cat. Alice fox bends one knee and holds it with the hand. Bazilio cat is blindfolded. Alice fox and Bazilio cat cover the distance embracing one another. The pair which hobbles the finish the first gets "the golden key"- the prize.

80. WITCH-2. ( Active.)
Each player takes a twig. Then the players choose "a witch". "The witch" must be the deftest player. At first "the witch" draws the line of border of her camp. All the rest players are out of the camp, they mustn't walk there. Then the witch goes out and cries: "The witch goes out for a walk!" and begins to chase the players with the twigs. The player who is struck by the witch's twig, becomes her "son" and they quickly run the camp. All the rest players chase them striking them with the twigs. Then "the witch" goes out for the second time. Now she holds her "son" by his twig and they chase the players together. But it is only "the witch", who may strike the players with the twig. Her "son" may only detain the player. But the player becomes the witch's captive only when she strikes him/her with the twig. New captives become witch's "children". They hold each other by the twigs, so they make a chain. As the new player is caught the chain breaks and they together run to the witch's camp, being chased by the other players. The witch's "children" must also save themselves (to run to the camp) if the chain is broken by one of the players or if "the witch" forgets to say her words: "The witch goes out for a walk!" The player who strikes the witch's children not in time becomes witch's "son". The game finishes when all the players become witch`s children or when she catches more than 4-5 players.

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