Monday, April 27, 2009


Objective: Don't say um, uh or like or your team gets wet!
Game Type: Passive. Little or no movement is required.
Players: 6 or more players
Needed: Water balloons, pen, paper
Rules: In this game you can't use the word um, uh, or like. Divide the group into even teams. Choose a team to go first. Each team chooses a player to go first. When that player goes up in front of the entire group (both teams) they will receive a piece of paper and there will be an object written on it. The player has to tell as much as possible about the item with out saying like, uh, or um in 30 seconds. If the player does say um, uh, or like then that team gets a point. Also if the player pauses for more than 3 seconds the team gets a point. The game ends when everyone has gone once. The teams tallies up the points and how many points there
are means that many water balloons are thrown at them.

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