Monday, April 27, 2009


Objective: A sports game similar to baseball but you can't move your feet.
Game Type: Active. A lot of movement may be required.
Players: 6 or more players
Needed: Volleyball
Rules: Divide into two teams. The rules are similar to regular baseball except that a volleyball is used (no bats!) and the fielding team may not move their feet. It is best to keep your players in close without too much distance in between each other. The hitting team hits the volleyball with their hand, and crawls around the bases. To score a point, the batter must run around the bases on feet and hands (like a dog or horse) and back to home before the fielding team gets the ball to the catcher at home. If the fielding team gets the ball ahead of the batter, he is out. After three people are out, the teams trade places.

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