Monday, March 30, 2009


81. MYRSHIM. ( Joking.)
10-12 players are invited to take part in this game. Then they are explained the rules: One of the players moves away and turns his/her back to all the rest players. In this time one of players is given a candy. But the player mustn't eat it, he/she just puts it in the mouth. Then all the players including the player with the candy, begin to pronounce one and the same word "myrshim" (in Kazakh it means "to chew"). The task of the 1st player (the player who stands with his back to all the rest players) is to guess who of the players has a candy in his/her mouth. If the player guesses he receives the prize and chooses the leader, if he doesn't guess all the players say to him "oh-oh-oh!" So the game begins. The leader moves away, turns his back to all the rest players and the instructor gives a wrapped up candy to one of the players. When the player unwraps the candy and puts it into the mouth the game begins: all the players begin to say "myrshim, myrshim, myrshim" and the instructor calls out the leader.

82. THE GREAT MOGUL. ( Joking.)
According to the lot, one of the players stands on a chair or a stool and takes on a majestic air. He/she is the Great Mogul. All the rest players come to him/her one at a time, bow to him/her, kneel before him/her, look in his/her face and say: "The Great Mogul! Bow down before you without tears and laughter!" The players must pronounce this phrase solemnly and seriously. At the same time the Great Mogul tries to make the players who come to him laugh: he/she pulls faces, wriggles etc. The player who laughs while speaking to the Great Mogul becomes the Great Mogul in the next round.

83. MATCH AS A SPEAR. ( Joking.)
Draw a line on the floor. The player must throw a usual match as a spear not overstepping the line. Choose the winner judging by 3 throws.

84. THREE PHRASES. ( Joking.)
The leader declares that no one of the present people can repeat three short phrases after him/her. Of course, the present people don't agree with him/her. Then the leader pronounces the phrase c.f. "Today the weather is good." All the players confidently repeat it. After that the leader as though in confusion trying to find a phrase, pronounces the second phrase. It's again repeated by the players. Then the leader quickly and confidently pronounces: "Here you're wrong!" The players are in confusion. And the leader explains that the third phrase the players had to repeat was "Here you're wrong!"

The leader says: "Put a chair on its fore legs on the floor. The back and the hind legs are parallel to the ground. Put a slice of bread on the top of the back, kneel in the cross-beam between the hind legs, take the back with your hands and try to bend your head to the slice of bread and grab it with the mouth. For this you need much skill. While bending the head you must move your body back, otherwise your body's center of gravity will be before the seat of the chair, the chair will tip over and the slice of bread will fall down.

86. WAVE YOUR HANDS. ( Joking.)
The leader suggests the players to put their right hands to their heads and to extend the left hands with the thumbs up, saying "Well!" Then the players clap their hands and do the same with the opposite hands.

The leader suggests the players to do the following: to put the hands on the knees, to clap the hands, to touch the nose with the right hand and the ear with the left one. Then to clap once again and to change the hands.

88. BY WORD OF MOUTH. ( Joking.)
Sitting at the holiday table the both sides of the guests (they are divided into 2 teams) have an opportunity to transmit the congratulation or a piece of good news to the person whose birthday it is by word of mouth. To begin with hang a congratulation card, a photo or a letter on the stick or a pencil. The task of the guests is to pass this "piece of news" with the help of lips (without touching it with the hands). The team which transmits the piece of news "by word of mouth" the first wins.

89. JUMP OVER A NEEDLE. ( Joking.)
Suggest the players jumping over the needle (instead of a needle you may take a pencil). The needle lies on the floor. The only term is to touch the toes with the fingers while jumping.

90. MODELLER. ( Joking.)
The players who wish to take part in the competition "The best style" are invited to come behind the scenes or into the other room. With the help of different attributes of fashion (clothes, accessories, ties, hats, ribbons etc.) they must construct something original, bright and stylish. It's so called "freak style". Each modeller chooses "a model" among the spectators. "The models" represent the works of "the modellers". With the help of applause the spectators choose "the best modeller". "The best modeller" is given a costly present (perfume, perfumed water etc.)

91. SWEET TOOTH. ( Joking.)
This game is enjoyed by the grown-ups as well as by the children. On the table there are some plates with the little pies and cakes (it's desirable that they should be with chocolate and cream). Around the table there must be enough space for the participants to move. The number of the participants depends on the size of the table and the amount of sweet things. The number of plates is equal to the number of the participants. The participants have their hands tied together behind the backs. As the music plays the participants come to the nearest to them plate and start eating the cakes. As the hands are tied together it's very difficult to eat the cakes - they slide off the plates. That's why the instructor should let the participants know about all the details of the game beforehand. The first round finishes when one of the participants has eaten the whole piece of cake or a pie. The participant on whose plate there remains the largest piece of cake is out of the game. In the next round there are less by one participants. On the plates there are new pieces of cake or pies. They are larger than the pieces in the previous round. The game repeats anew. The game goes on until the participants refuse to eat sweet things (because they have eaten an enormous amount of them) or until there is only one participant in the game. He/she is the winner. He/she is given a ribbon with the inscription "Invincible glutton" and a sweet prize (a large cake). The matter is that the winner feels sick at seeing sweet things. The instructor may suggest playing one more round. But this suggestion usually causes impetuous protest of the participants. The more chocolate and cream is there on the cakes - the brighter is the game. The participants usually make themselves dirty with it. The game may be funnier if the participants are blindfolded, but have their hands free. After this game you may serve cakes and pies for other guests. The participants of this game don't want to eat sweet things. They want only to drink tea.

92. ZOO. ( Joking.)
All the players get into a circle. The players take each other by the arms. The leader explains the rules of the game: "To each player I say the name of the animal. Then I say one of the names aloud. The player to whom this name was said at the beginning of the game tries to jump up and break the chain of the arms. The task of the players next to him/her is to prevent his/her jumping up". In fact the leader says one and the same name of the animal to all the players. When this name is pronounced aloud all the players fall down.

93. NUMBER ON THE BELT. ( Joking.)
You take your belt off and address all the present: "On this belt is written the number. The figure is rather big. Even the short - sighted person is able to see it. But it's not easy to find this number. For this you need not only your attention, but also sharpness. Who wants to find the number on the belt?" The spectators would examine the belt carefully. But the number will be seen only if somebody guesses what's the secret of your trick. The secret is rather simple. Get ready this trick beforehand: roll up the belt so that the buckle of it is inside the first coil. On the spiral write a simple or a two-digit number with the light yellow pencil. Unroll the belt - the number is disappeared. The number may be found if you roll up the belt again.

94. HEAVY BUCKET. ( Joking.)
Put a bucket full of water at the wall. Say that only a very strong man can lift it. One who wishes to lift the bucket stands at the distance of half a step from it. Ask this person to take the handle of the bucket with the hands and lean the head against the wall. Then ask him to lift the bucket and, holding it with the hands, draw himself up. Despite all the attempts this person will not be able to do any of these tasks. He will remain as though clued to the wall.

95. BELIEVE OR NOT. ( Joking.)
Say to all the present that you can make any person to stand in such a way that he/she can't raise his/her foot. One who wants to disprove it should stand near the wall touching it by the heels. It'd be better if there were no plinth on the wall. If there are no wall without the plinth in the room you may use a door. Mind that the person mustn't swing. Under this condition all the attempts to raise the foot will fail. In this position nobody can raise the foot without transfer of the weight of the body to the other foot.

96. BEWITCHED NUMBER. ( Joking.)
"I need a mathematician to be my assistant", - says the instructor, - "his/her task is very simple: I shall enumerate different numbers. My assistant's task is to name the numbers more by one than the numbers I name. c.f. If I say "eight", the assistant must say "nine". If I say "thirty - two" the assistant must say "thirty three" etc. Who can "cope with this task?" The instructor names the increasing numbers. The numbers increase by tens and hundreds. Every time the assistant confidently names the numbers more by one. The counting continues until the instructor names number "4099". At this number the assistant will make a mistake. Instead of "4100" he/she will say "5000".

97. TRY TO FULFIL. ( Joking.)
Put your hands to the chest - one is higher than the other. Try to make circular motions with the both hands simultaneously: one hand is moving forwards, the other is moving backwards.
Sit on a chair, holding your back straight. Put your legs at an angle. Try to stand up with your back erect (do not move it forwards).
"I'll ask you a very easy riddle, - says the instructor, - you must answer it at once and precisely. If you give a correct answer you'll get a prize.
It has four paws, a tail,
It mews and catches mice.
It's a cat!
It sounds like this. But you're not quite right. It's a pussy-cat (a tom-cat)
Can you see a little piece of thread on my lapel? Asks the instructor. How much time do you need to take this thread away?
Not more than 2-3 seconds.
If you succeed in it you'll get the prize.
Nobody expected that the thread would stretch and stretch. In the inside pocket of the jacket there was a whole bobbin of thread. The end of which was put on the lapel.

98. GAME-JOKE. ( Joking.)
Suggest 2 players doing the following thing. At first they kneel down and take their right legs with right hands (to raise them lightly from the floor). In their left hands they hold mugs. Fill one of the mugs with water. The task is to pour water from one mug to another, trying not to spill it. Then the players change their roles.

99. FRECKLES. ( Joking.)
The player bows down the plate with the cooked semolina. The instructor strikes with the spoon against the plate. The player who has the greatest number of "freckles" is the winner.

100. PALE FACE. ( Joking.)
There are some candies in the basin with flour. The players must take them with the mouth (without using the hands).

How can you imagine the birthday party without the funny and witty congratulations? Bring some happiness to one whose birthday it is - compose an improvised congratulation. The guests may compose it without difficulty. Ask every guest to say an adjective. Write down all these adjectives. Then take a text of the telegram of congratulation, which needs colourful additions. Say to the guests that you're not responsible for the high artistic merit of this "work of art" and fill in the blanks in this telegram with the adjectives suggested by the guests.
Sample text of the telegram:
… John! All of us - your … friends - are very glad that you (so…) were born on this … day! Taking a … opportunity we want to make a declaration of … love and … devotion. There are no very many people so … like you. Let's hope that our … life will not separate us and every ... year on this … day we'll gather together around this … table. We wish you … health, … happiness, … years of life! Your … friends.

102. GLUTTON. ( Joking.)
Put different items of kitchen utensils (different kinds of spoons, forks, ludles) into a large box. Put some mashed potato or macaroni on the saucer for each player. The players blindly take the items from the box. At the command they begin to eat their helpings with the help of the items they've taken. The fastest eater gets the prize.

103. MATERNITY HOME. ( Joking.)
The youths act as "Fathers", the girls act as "mothers". The situation is rather simple. "The young father" is walking under the windows of the maternity home. He wants to know who is born - a boy or a girl, what's the weight of baby, what's its name, what to bring for "the mother". "The mothers" let "the fathers" know about it with the help of gestures and facial expression from the height of the 9th floor. It's windy outdoors, it's too noisy because of the plenty of the passing-by cars.
"The fathers" are given the cards with the questions:
1. Who is born?
2. What's the baby's name?
3. What's its weight?
4. What to bring next time?
"The mothers" are given the cards with the answers:
1. Boy. George. 3kilos. Book. Mirror.
2. Girl. Mary. 4.100 kg. Oranges. Nuts.
3. Boy. Girl. Twins. Peter. Maggy. 2.700 kg, 2.800 kg, Envelopes, pen.
"The mothers" must answer only with the help of the gestures and facial expression.

Only gentlemen take part in this competition. But at first they mustn't know that the best gentleman's legs will be chosen. The ladies make a special medal with the picture of 3 crossed masculine legs on it for the winner. The instructor asks the gentlemen to take part in the competition of gathering the cosmetics, thrown about the room (lipsticks, make up sets, mascaras etc.) The gentlemen should gather the cosmetics with the help of the toes. The gentleman who manages to gather the greatest number of items in the shortest period of time wins the competition. To feel more comfortable while gathering the cosmetics the gentlemen must turn up their trouser-legs as high as possible. When all the cosmetics is gathered, the instructor announces that the gentlemen have taken part in the competition "the best gentleman's legs". The jury, which consists of the ladies, chooses the best gentleman's legs and hands in the medal.

105. SNAKES' DANCE. ( Joking.)
Say to all the present that you are going to act as a snake tamer and that you are going to show "the snakes' dance" to all the present. Fill the vessel with any mixture. Then begin to spill any liquid on this mixture. (While spilling pretend that you do it very carefully.) Ask all the present to go away from the vessel and wait when "the snake" appears. As a rule, in every company there are some sceptics, who don't believe in it and would say that they have seen such things at the chemistry lessons at school. On the pretext of that you need much noise for "the snake" to appear, ask 2-3 persons to come to you. Ask them to stand in front of all the other guests. Ask them to clap the hands, to stamp their feet, to cry etc. After all these things have been done the snake still doesn't appear. Then ask your guests pardon and say that instead of "snakes' dance" all of them have seen "the dance of tamed monkeys".

106. REVELATIONS. ( Joking.)
The players are to answer the leader's questions, not seeing the inscriptions on the cards, placed behind them. The inscriptions may be the following: for men-"Maternity home", "Bath-house", "Sobering-up station" etc. for women-"Black eye", "Torn stocking" etc.
The questions for men: "Do you often visit this place?" "What things do you take when going there?" "What do you usually do in this place?" "Why does this place attract you?" "Whom do you usually invite when going to this place?"
The questions for women: "Do you often find yourself in such situation?" "Do you often look in such way?" "Why does this state attract you?" "What happened?" "Why do you look like this?" etc. The lack of correspondence usually causes much fun and laughter.

107. MISS WORLD. ( Joking.)
The instructor names different items of cosmetics. The lady try to find these items in their purses. The ladies raise these items above the heads. The lady who has not the named item in her purse is out of the game. The ladies who has all the items named by the instructor is given a prize and a title of Miss World. Samples of the items: a lipstick, a mirror, mascara, eye-shadows, cheek-color, eye-liner etc.

108. COMPOSITION. ( Joking.)
Each player is given a pencil and a long stripe of paper, where he/she writes the name of any present person. Then the paper should be folded (so as the name cannot be seen) and passed to the player to his/her right. He/she describes anyone's appearance and passes the paper further. In the same way may be asked the following questions: - what kind of character? - What did he/she do? - When? - Where? - What were the consequences? Of course, nobody should know what is written before, while answering. As each paper passed around the circle, one person reads aloud what is written on these stripes of paper. Usually it causes much laughter, because there is a lot of absurdity.

109. TAKE A PRIZE. ( Joking.)
Put 3 plates on the table. Put a prize in the middle plate. Pour some water in the others. The player is blindfolded. He/she turns around for several times, makes some steps and takes the prize from the plate.

110. SKILLED HAND. ( Joking.)
Each gentleman takes a newspaper by its corner with the left hand. At the command the gentlemen must crumple the newspapers with one hand only. The gentleman who copes with the task the first is the winner.

111. WRITER. ( Joking.)
The players must compose a story of the newspapers headlines, suggested by the leader. The headlines are cut out of newspapers and pasted on the cards.

112. TALE-TELLER. ( Joking.)
The leader reminds the guests the plots of the well known tales and suggests their telling new versions of these tales (c.f. in style of a detective story, love story, tragedy, etc). The guests choose the winner with the help of applause.

113. FLIGHT OF FANCY. ( Joking.)
Each player pronounces any word he/she likes. The players pronounce the words in turn. The words mustn't be connected with each other.
C.f. the first player says - "eagle", the second - "boy", the third - "lace", the fourth - "snake", the fifth - "sky", the sixth - "head", the seventh - "trees", the eighth - "ground" etc.
Each player must write down all the words, pronounced by all the players. Then the players must compose a story, using these words.
The story may be as follows:
"Once an eagle was flying. Towards him was going a boy. His boot lace came untied. The eagle thought the lace to be a snake. He impetuously attacked the lace and lifted it together with the boy to the sky. The boy felt uncomfortable to fly head first. So when flying over the trees the boy slipped out of the boot and fell on a crown of a tree, slided it down and found himself on the ground. He felt sorry for his boot, but he was glad that he had a chance to fly with the eagle."
In 10 minutes each player reads his/her story aloud.

114. TELEGRAM. ( Joking.)
Write a short word on the sheet of paper. It may consist of 4, 5, 6 letters. Each player must make the text of the telegram. Each word in this telegram must begin with the next in turn letter of this word.
c.f. We make the text of the telegram out of the word FIRE.
The first word begins with the letter F - Frank
The second with I - identified
The third with R - Roger
The fourth with E - erroneously
Frank identified Roger erroneously.

115. ADJECTIVES. ( Joking.)
Several players sit in a row. The last player in the row thinks of a word (a noun) - c.f. a spade. All the rest players think of adjectives.
Then the 1st player says - glass
The 2nd - amazing
The 3rd - enigmatic etc.
And the last player pronounces his word - spade. So, altogether they say: "glass, amazing, enigmatic, beloved spade." The game is played at a rapid rate. The next word is thought of by the other player. The player who thought of the noun in the previous round, now begins to enumerate the adjectives. This game is played until all the players think of a noun.

116. PANTOMIME. ( Joking.)
There are 2 teams in this game. One team asks the riddle for the other one. The riddle is a pantomime. The team may give as many answers as there are the players in the team. The team which asks the riddle may offer only abstract notions, e.g. "youth" : all the players in the team are holding each other by the hands and looking in the sky smiling. The other team may give the following variants: happiness, inspiration, growth, childhood. About the last variant the first team may say that this variant is close to the right answer.

117. SING A SONG TO THE END. ( Joking.)
Usually 10 players participate in this game. Each of them is asked to recollect a song well-known to him/her. (The song consists of not less than 3 couplets). The task of each player is to sing his/her song to the end. While singing the player mustn't pay attention to the singing of other players, get out of time or laugh. After each player recollects the song which he/she will sing, the leader says: "Get ready! Begin!" The player who laughs or gets out of time pays the forfeit and drops out of the game. The player who manages to oversing all the others becomes the winner and gets the prize.

118. THE OLDEST COIN. ( Joking.)
You may play this game to occupy the little pause. This game is a kind of auction. Holding a souvenir in his/her hands the leader announces:
- This souvenir is for sale. It costs one coin of the least value. Have you got any? You're welcome!
The players give coins to the leader. The leader takes them, look at them attentively and says:
- I'm given a coin issued in the year of…
According to the rules, the player who has the coin issued in the earliest year gets the souvenir. Well, I'm waiting…
He/she is given another coin.
- Now I'm given a coin issued in the year of…
I return the first coin.
Our auction goes on. Who has the coin of the earliest issue?
Continue the auction until you're given the oldest coin. Every time the leader is given a coin, he/she counts - "one, two…" As the leader says "three" the auction stops. The souvenir is given to the player who has the oldest coin.

119. SONG COMPETITION. ( Joking.)
The instructor reads 3 lines of couplet or chorus of the well-known song to each pair. The task is to sing the 4-th line correctly. There are 2-3 variants of songs for each pair.

Divide up all the guests into 2 teams. Suggest their drawing a portrait of one whose birthday it is. The team which has drawn the most attractive portrait gets the prize.

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